April 3, 2009

April the First

I think I forgot to mention in the previous post why the teacher wanted to collect the Chinese CCT papers back for. The average for my class is around 36 to 37, but the level average is 28. Even though there are 7 China scholars in the class, the difference is still to much. I think they will be remarking our scripts in a more strict manner. Hope that I can still get somewhere above 38.5, or else I will never ever get a 4.0 for my chinese GP for the rest of my time in RI. (By the way, my current score is 40.5, but there are also other assignments)

Now back to what happened on April the First. I was sleeping late again on the day before (1am) and when I do this, I always wake up really sleepy. After reaching the classroom at 7.00am, I threw my bag down and took a "short" nap on my table. Since most people in my class has the same habit, the lights are completely off.

Usually, there will be a bell at 7.15am to tell us to go down for morning assembly which starts at 7.25am. However, on that day, it happened that I really fell asleep and no one woke me up. Then after a while, I heard something like "its time to make him up" and when I opened my eyes, the time is 7.25am. There are 4 other guys in the class (i shall not mention names, but 3j guys should know about this), giving this really smug look. I ended up having to run down to morning assembly and ended up getting a pink slip for being late. 

I know that this is not exactly an April's Fool joke, but it just happen to be on that day. I guess I should be sleeping earlier next time.

Then on Wednesday (or thursday?) Qi Hang was whinning in class about probably getting 3.92 for his gpa this term cos he got 3.6 for EL and MEP. A group of us privately agreed to strangle him if he really get that high or even higher. By right, I should not have done that as I am still quite satisfied about my gpa, which falls within an acceptable range. I don't think I should be saying how much or people will decide to strangle me too. (so if you want to know, you will just have to ask me)

On a side note: Jasper took off his shirt today in class again. (and y^2 took a video of it) This is getting really annoying.

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