April 26, 2009


Sigh. Somehow I did not remember to update in 11 days. I guess I was too busy. 

Last Monday:
NAFA! The date they used to record our ages is 1st April, so I am still counted as 14. Then it is the 2.4 km jog/'walk'. My pretest run took me 13min 40sec, which is a really horrible timing, but I guess I was not putting in my best effort. For the actual run, I decided to tag Chen Chen (china scholar) and surprisingly I managed to keep up for the first 6/7 rounds. Then I decided to walk for half of the last round, and my timing is 12min 3sec, which is 3 sec from a B grade. D= I guess I should bring along my watch the next time.

I can't remember anything of interest for the next few days.

Last Friday:
During morning assembly, Ke Yu Xuan was walking around showing people photos of love letters Joseph Kuan sent to Lydia and Aidi. After a bit of inquiry, kyx admitted that he got into joseph's email somehow and sent the letters. This is really not nice, and I made a mental note never to let kyx get into my email. XD

Then the physic test was horrible. There are 3 questions and I made 3 silly mistakes. I got 1000 on my calculator, which is in cm, so I should have converted to 10m and somehow, I decided to write down 5. I wonder what I am thinking back then. 

On the way back from the Phy lab, we saw these people from china, and one of them is supposedly the person in-charge of the education system in china. 教育部长。 Then the school had to round off certain corridors, making it really annoying trying to get back to class.

Soon after came the English teacher. She gave out a handful of handouts, and asked us to read this little quotation on one of the pages. 
EL Teacher: You Jun, what is your take on this?
You Jun to Jun Jie: Which page is it?
EL Teacher: Why you always so inattentive in class? Every time need rely on Jun Jie.
Jun Jie: Not really, and he is the first in singapore math olympiad last year.
EL Teacher: No wonder he is like that.
Class: (laugh)
I guess I should not be evil, but that was really random and funny to see You Jun get suanned.
Class decoration judging was friday after school, so as usual, we are doing last minute work. Then Arnold got punished to clean the white board and the place that holds the duster. After a frutile attempt to clean it for 15mins, he decided to pour a bucketful of detergent mixed with water onto the board. Then the teacher came in. 

After all of the rubbish we put up (at least it is environmental =D), it is surprising how we got 2nd among all the classes that was judged before us. 

It is confirmed that I will be skipping lessons from Tuesday to Thursday to prepare for the IMO team selection test next Friday. I should have been Monday to Thursday, but the person in charge is too busy with the China Officials to bother about us. Either way, I have a 0.1% chance of getting in, so it does not matter. (Not too much, doesn't hurt to try)

This post is freaking long and I guess I should end off with another of Jasper's stupid acts. That day after match support for his class, he ran onto the road and did 10 commando push up and got someone to video it for him. I wonder what's happening to RI boys nowadays.

--We all make our limits, and we set them further out than we have any right.

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