April 9, 2009

Hcl 4.0, Sayonara

光阴似箭、日月如梭。 To think that is was a whole one week since I last updated. Nothing really interesting happened, it took real long to get enough things to type this post. I don't like fillers.

For chinese, my CCT score drop from 40.5 to 39.5. I only got 78% for daily work, I thought I will get higher, so my over all grade dropped from 79.3 (rounded up to 80) to 78.4 (rounded up to 79). Everyone lost 1 to 3 marks and there happens to be 7 people who got 79% in my class >.<  Just as I said, this will be the closest I will get to a 4.0 for chinese for 2009. Sigh.

English was not much better off either. D'cruz gave me 18/25 at first, which is bare 70% when combined with my other assignments. However, she realised that she gave everyone 2 marks for a 1 mark question, which is completely crapped up, so I got 17/25 which is a 68% overall. So I failed my life once again.

The other subjects are not too bad, considering getting 84% for geography, which happen to be the highest grade. I guess that the teacher like my face. (that was just a random comment)

Now for math. The APMO score was released last saturday and I got 6. Looking at the section for marks, I can see 3 other pencil marks which includes 3, 4, 7. I wonder how many markings did they go through?

Then the selection for IWYMIC is over and waiting for Mr Kwa to officially announce the results after confirming how many people can the school sent. He is trying to get an extra team, but the organisers had dao him for 2 month? 

Here are the current rankings that he disclosed to You Jun and me.

1 You Jun
2 me =D
3 Ryan Kor
4 Joseph Kuan (tentative)
5 KYX (tentative)
6 Sheng Han/Yan Qi  (tentative)

The senior team take home test this year is surprisingly hard (many thanks to those who sent me the paper =D) I managed to find the solutions to 1, 3, 4, 6, 8. That is not too bad I guess. I would like to point out that there can be two interpretations to question 8. The easy one will make the question extremely obvious, while the other will make it ultra-obvious to Ivan and Ivan only. The trainers are not counted and maybe Jiahan too, but that line "so obvious", "common sense" belong to Ivan. I dun want to explain it here, it will take too long, so please look for me on saturday, sms me, etc.

Question 2 is the shortest one, yet it seems so hard D:, tried Fermat's Little Theorem, but to no avail. I guess I should be revising my math TA tomorrow, it is not a easy topic, not at all.

Then saturday is really a special day(for me). I hope that I will get a blackforest cake this saturday. (reference to Portal, just wiki it to find out)

On a side note, good luck to everyone going for SYF.

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