April 15, 2009

Physic Comix!

This week passed by uneventfully, with almost nothing happening "yet", so I have absolutely no idea what to post about. But since I came past this comic when surfring the website, I guess I will just post this up.

I died for my math TA. Remembering a wrong formula proves to be disastrous during math tests, and even though it can still be used to find the answer, there is always never enough time to do so.

SMP is crazy. We have been working in the lab for 2 to 3 months and now they tell us that we need to watch a safety video before going in again. There are 5 parts of length 4o min, 110 min, 50 min, 50 min and 50 min. I think you guys can do the sum for yourself. But having seen 30% of the video, and 30% is common sense, and the rest being irrelevant to my project, we decided to speed things up "a bit". But in the end, I still missed my CCA today. For those who know my core cca, you should know what I think of that.

NAFA pretest tomorrow. Still wondering whether I am counted as 14 or 15. I hope it is 14, then I don't need to do pull-ups. I can do 4 at max. I think that is a D or a C.

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