March 31, 2009


The emergency relay for my class is a total failure. 

The relay system goes like this:
The chairman (You Jun) receives the information, then he calls the Assist. monitor and me, and each of us is going to call 2 person who will then call one more each. Once the last person receives the call, he will call us back. The whole thing looks like this:

Everything looks so perfect but when we tried, everything just fell apart. 3 hours after You Jun informed me, he call again saying that only one of the 6 columns got the information. 

Deciding that calling everyone myself will be so much easier, I called them and got really weird answers.
Ding Yue: Alden, did you call Arnold?
Alden: Sorry, I can't reach him.
Ding Yue: Never mind I go call him myself.
Ding Yue: Arnold, please bring your chinese CCT paper tomorrow.
Arnold: I knew already.
Ding Yue: Who told you?
Arnold: Alden.
Ding Yue: ...
It seems that everyone one of us live in a really different time and world. (sry about that alden, but there is others like that too.) I guess that the e-group is still a much better way to spread information.

Other than this, today was a really nice day. Teachers should go for training more often, then we get more time to slack at home. (Maybe not, I managed to catch up with my sleep though.)

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