April 29, 2009


I feel really sleepy after the 2 day of intensive training on tuesday (7.30am to 6.30pm) and wednesday (7.30am to 3.15pm). 

I managed to solve 3 combinatoric questions, 1 geometry questions, and none for inequalities. I think I can solve at least 2 inequality questions, but since the Ivan solved nearly every single one first, I just listened to the solutions.

For the 'Final Sprint' of mixed questions, I solved 1 number theory and 1 random question (i think it is combinatoric). Its not too bad, considering that most people solved that much with the exception of Ivan (>17 in total), Barry and Jia Han. 

Then I went off for my classification shoot for NPcc today. Surprisingly I score 75/80 for my first try. I think I should have gotten full marks, as two of the bullet holes are overlapping by around 50% and that guy insisted that it is only 1 hole. Sigh. Since 75 can rank me 2nd in my squad, I don't think that shot matters much now.

Biology Practical Test tmr. Hope I don't forget something important.

And I almost forgot something. Malaysian Montage for RI sec 2 (T2W10) should be cancelled due to the Swine Flu. I have no idea about the reliability of the source, but if its true, Mr Kwa will be happy as the sec 2 can now study for SMO. Hopefully that singapore will not pull out of IMO this year as there are already 2 suspected cases in germany.

April 26, 2009


Sigh. Somehow I did not remember to update in 11 days. I guess I was too busy. 

Last Monday:
NAFA! The date they used to record our ages is 1st April, so I am still counted as 14. Then it is the 2.4 km jog/'walk'. My pretest run took me 13min 40sec, which is a really horrible timing, but I guess I was not putting in my best effort. For the actual run, I decided to tag Chen Chen (china scholar) and surprisingly I managed to keep up for the first 6/7 rounds. Then I decided to walk for half of the last round, and my timing is 12min 3sec, which is 3 sec from a B grade. D= I guess I should bring along my watch the next time.

I can't remember anything of interest for the next few days.

Last Friday:
During morning assembly, Ke Yu Xuan was walking around showing people photos of love letters Joseph Kuan sent to Lydia and Aidi. After a bit of inquiry, kyx admitted that he got into joseph's email somehow and sent the letters. This is really not nice, and I made a mental note never to let kyx get into my email. XD

Then the physic test was horrible. There are 3 questions and I made 3 silly mistakes. I got 1000 on my calculator, which is in cm, so I should have converted to 10m and somehow, I decided to write down 5. I wonder what I am thinking back then. 

On the way back from the Phy lab, we saw these people from china, and one of them is supposedly the person in-charge of the education system in china. 教育部长。 Then the school had to round off certain corridors, making it really annoying trying to get back to class.

Soon after came the English teacher. She gave out a handful of handouts, and asked us to read this little quotation on one of the pages. 
EL Teacher: You Jun, what is your take on this?
You Jun to Jun Jie: Which page is it?
EL Teacher: Why you always so inattentive in class? Every time need rely on Jun Jie.
Jun Jie: Not really, and he is the first in singapore math olympiad last year.
EL Teacher: No wonder he is like that.
Class: (laugh)
I guess I should not be evil, but that was really random and funny to see You Jun get suanned.
Class decoration judging was friday after school, so as usual, we are doing last minute work. Then Arnold got punished to clean the white board and the place that holds the duster. After a frutile attempt to clean it for 15mins, he decided to pour a bucketful of detergent mixed with water onto the board. Then the teacher came in. 

After all of the rubbish we put up (at least it is environmental =D), it is surprising how we got 2nd among all the classes that was judged before us. 

It is confirmed that I will be skipping lessons from Tuesday to Thursday to prepare for the IMO team selection test next Friday. I should have been Monday to Thursday, but the person in charge is too busy with the China Officials to bother about us. Either way, I have a 0.1% chance of getting in, so it does not matter. (Not too much, doesn't hurt to try)

This post is freaking long and I guess I should end off with another of Jasper's stupid acts. That day after match support for his class, he ran onto the road and did 10 commando push up and got someone to video it for him. I wonder what's happening to RI boys nowadays.

--We all make our limits, and we set them further out than we have any right.

April 15, 2009

Physic Comix!

This week passed by uneventfully, with almost nothing happening "yet", so I have absolutely no idea what to post about. But since I came past this comic when surfring the website, I guess I will just post this up.

I died for my math TA. Remembering a wrong formula proves to be disastrous during math tests, and even though it can still be used to find the answer, there is always never enough time to do so.

SMP is crazy. We have been working in the lab for 2 to 3 months and now they tell us that we need to watch a safety video before going in again. There are 5 parts of length 4o min, 110 min, 50 min, 50 min and 50 min. I think you guys can do the sum for yourself. But having seen 30% of the video, and 30% is common sense, and the rest being irrelevant to my project, we decided to speed things up "a bit". But in the end, I still missed my CCA today. For those who know my core cca, you should know what I think of that.

NAFA pretest tomorrow. Still wondering whether I am counted as 14 or 15. I hope it is 14, then I don't need to do pull-ups. I can do 4 at max. I think that is a D or a C.

April 11, 2009

11 April

Now I really got a Black Forest cake =D. So the cake is not a lie after all. Many thanks to all those who wished me happy birthday today.

Now I have no CEC badge. The company misprinted the colour for Treasure and Monitor, so they are going to collect the old badges and give us the new ones on monday. Should have taken a photo of the old one, it is one of a kind after all. Sigh.

Die Chaos, DIE !! I finally finished it at last. Hope that I will get a reasonable score. >.< To the rest doing Physic Chaos from RI, please remember to refer to the Teacher's Comments and make relevant changes, or you shall all DIE HORRIBLY (I hope that Nathaniel does not see this or I am going to get poked again =P)

Coordinate Geometry is crap. Today's Simo Nat Team training at NUS is crap. And I hope that I remember to bring the camp form next week. The National Team selection is on 1st May and 2nd May. Why do we never get to rest during holidays? 

For the Senior Take Home test, I did 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 which is only one more question than last time. Thinking about 10. I heard that answer to 2 can be found in this year's Senior training notes, but since I dun have them, I guess I will be getting another headache. Argh.

After doing the senior 2008 paper (section 1) I got like 29. Still one point away from what Mr. Kwa wants. I guess I fail my life again. Time to do more practice paper tomorrow. My life is sad. But math being math, was fun, is fun and shall always be.

April 9, 2009

Hcl 4.0, Sayonara

光阴似箭、日月如梭。 To think that is was a whole one week since I last updated. Nothing really interesting happened, it took real long to get enough things to type this post. I don't like fillers.

For chinese, my CCT score drop from 40.5 to 39.5. I only got 78% for daily work, I thought I will get higher, so my over all grade dropped from 79.3 (rounded up to 80) to 78.4 (rounded up to 79). Everyone lost 1 to 3 marks and there happens to be 7 people who got 79% in my class >.<  Just as I said, this will be the closest I will get to a 4.0 for chinese for 2009. Sigh.

English was not much better off either. D'cruz gave me 18/25 at first, which is bare 70% when combined with my other assignments. However, she realised that she gave everyone 2 marks for a 1 mark question, which is completely crapped up, so I got 17/25 which is a 68% overall. So I failed my life once again.

The other subjects are not too bad, considering getting 84% for geography, which happen to be the highest grade. I guess that the teacher like my face. (that was just a random comment)

Now for math. The APMO score was released last saturday and I got 6. Looking at the section for marks, I can see 3 other pencil marks which includes 3, 4, 7. I wonder how many markings did they go through?

Then the selection for IWYMIC is over and waiting for Mr Kwa to officially announce the results after confirming how many people can the school sent. He is trying to get an extra team, but the organisers had dao him for 2 month? 

Here are the current rankings that he disclosed to You Jun and me.

1 You Jun
2 me =D
3 Ryan Kor
4 Joseph Kuan (tentative)
5 KYX (tentative)
6 Sheng Han/Yan Qi  (tentative)

The senior team take home test this year is surprisingly hard (many thanks to those who sent me the paper =D) I managed to find the solutions to 1, 3, 4, 6, 8. That is not too bad I guess. I would like to point out that there can be two interpretations to question 8. The easy one will make the question extremely obvious, while the other will make it ultra-obvious to Ivan and Ivan only. The trainers are not counted and maybe Jiahan too, but that line "so obvious", "common sense" belong to Ivan. I dun want to explain it here, it will take too long, so please look for me on saturday, sms me, etc.

Question 2 is the shortest one, yet it seems so hard D:, tried Fermat's Little Theorem, but to no avail. I guess I should be revising my math TA tomorrow, it is not a easy topic, not at all.

Then saturday is really a special day(for me). I hope that I will get a blackforest cake this saturday. (reference to Portal, just wiki it to find out)

On a side note, good luck to everyone going for SYF.

April 3, 2009

April the First

I think I forgot to mention in the previous post why the teacher wanted to collect the Chinese CCT papers back for. The average for my class is around 36 to 37, but the level average is 28. Even though there are 7 China scholars in the class, the difference is still to much. I think they will be remarking our scripts in a more strict manner. Hope that I can still get somewhere above 38.5, or else I will never ever get a 4.0 for my chinese GP for the rest of my time in RI. (By the way, my current score is 40.5, but there are also other assignments)

Now back to what happened on April the First. I was sleeping late again on the day before (1am) and when I do this, I always wake up really sleepy. After reaching the classroom at 7.00am, I threw my bag down and took a "short" nap on my table. Since most people in my class has the same habit, the lights are completely off.

Usually, there will be a bell at 7.15am to tell us to go down for morning assembly which starts at 7.25am. However, on that day, it happened that I really fell asleep and no one woke me up. Then after a while, I heard something like "its time to make him up" and when I opened my eyes, the time is 7.25am. There are 4 other guys in the class (i shall not mention names, but 3j guys should know about this), giving this really smug look. I ended up having to run down to morning assembly and ended up getting a pink slip for being late. 

I know that this is not exactly an April's Fool joke, but it just happen to be on that day. I guess I should be sleeping earlier next time.

Then on Wednesday (or thursday?) Qi Hang was whinning in class about probably getting 3.92 for his gpa this term cos he got 3.6 for EL and MEP. A group of us privately agreed to strangle him if he really get that high or even higher. By right, I should not have done that as I am still quite satisfied about my gpa, which falls within an acceptable range. I don't think I should be saying how much or people will decide to strangle me too. (so if you want to know, you will just have to ask me)

On a side note: Jasper took off his shirt today in class again. (and y^2 took a video of it) This is getting really annoying.