March 29, 2009

First Post

Since this is the first post and I have really no idea what to say, I guess I will do that quiz Alan passed on to me around 2 weeks ago.

Q1)5 things about the person who passed you this quiz:
1. His name is Alan Aw Jin
2. He is currently studying in RI sec 4
3. Math and Chemistry RA
4. Fun-loving
5. Helped me partially with my blog title 

Q2) When was the last time I talked to him?
A few minutes earlier  (0120h, Sunday )

Q3) What do I like most about him...
Chatting about math and giving a few random jokes now and then

Q4) What do I hate most about him...
nothing much...

Q5) Given a choice, would you befriend him?
Why not?

Q6) When was the last time I saw him...
Yesterday, 28 March (now is 29 march)

Q7) Relationship?
We're both single, and we are friends.

Q8) Pass this quiz to 9 friends:
1. Lawrence
2. Barry
3. Jun Jie
4. Jeremy
5. Bobby
6. Jason
7. Jing Xuan
8. Yao Yuan (I don't think he will bother)
9. Alan (I really can't think of anyone else)

One impression of 1-9:
1. Plays KoL DURING RGS workshop
2. Ownage at math (114% in sec 4 I think)
3. Very talkative (For nhps people, Mdm May Lee called him big mouth)
4. Welcome to RI
5. Bowler, Librarian
6. Angst/Emo Kid
7. Red and furry
8. EGO
9. Easy-going person

What does 1 like to eat?
chained and bonded organic molecules 

What is 2 afraid of?
Losing his favorite pencil

What is 3 despoing for?
sleep,  food, completion of CHAOS and other Phy RA projects.

Does 4 like me?
How am I supposed to know? I did piss him off a few times though.

Do I like 5?
definitely. Our ancestor's pedigrees were probably identical.

Describe 6 using a colour:

Describe 7 using an animal:

Describe 8 using food:
I have no idea at all...

Describe 9 using a song:
How about the last song I sent him that he said was really nice? "永远在身边"

The time now is like 2am and I have no idea why I am still awake doing this. I guess this means that I slept after 2am for 4 days of this whole week. Sigh.

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