June 16, 2009

SIMO Camp =D

SIMO Camp ROX! This years camp is much nicer than I expected it to be considering the field under renovation and the no movements to other block after 11pm rule.

Day 1: I think I arrived at 7.50am and to my surprise, I was among the last. After checking in, I was playing 围棋 with Alan on a 19x19 board he brought along. He let me 8 moves and I think I only won slightly over one third of the board. Not too bad for a beginner I suppose. =P For those that read Alan's blog, you should know what happened when we reported 20 minutes late.

The first Ice Breaker game works like this: there is a triangle with incircle, circumcircle, and the 3 excircles. Each line/curve have its own description and everyone must find someone that fits a few of the description and put their name on the intersection of the respective lines. There is obviously a GREAT display of teamwork where people just went around and started copying each other's answers. Apparently, someone gave the wrong information and more than half of us got it wrong. Then there are the blanket game and werewolf, another advance version of polar bear/mafia.

The night was fun. Since Ziyang is not here the first day, Keven and Zhan Xiong decided to move over. 5 person in 2 rooms for 4 seems just a little bit cosy. Night time card/五子棋 games where fun though. =D

Day 2: The training is nothing special.

We finally found a place to play soccer! It is the semicircle area beside the field where only around 20 at most can play at once. Since that day is the X-men sharing night, we split the team as X-men vs the rest. The score is 6-6 when there are only 4 left on each side. So we made it the last goal and winner takes all. (duh.) Sadly, Barry, Ivan, Ziyang and me lost as Mr Lu score the goal scraping the left bar of the goalpost.

Day 3: Vertical training was pretty much okay except that the range of questions are horrible. There are 6 obvious and 3 more obvious (for ivan and some of the rest). Question 10 is a killer. I think Alan's group got a few point by a solution using complex vector? (Alan, can clarify?)

Amazing race was scary. We are suppose to get 8 number/letter and if you move them 7 letters back, you should get quod erat and it is supposed to be part of Q.E.D with demonstrandum as the final answer.

Back in my room, I released that I got a blister on my toe the size of my toe. With the skin torn. Ouch. Same seemed to have happened to Keven.

Day 4: Nothing much. Except that I failed my quiz completely. I did not notice 2 holes in 2 of my solutions and that resulted in a 1 for both. Whoops. I really need to be much much more careful next time. (there are 3 questions per day, on day 4 and day 5)

Day 5: Basically the same as day 4 except that dinner was at a restaurant. Just happen that the food is worth $15 per person.

NITE5: I shall save the details for a later date when I am more free, but truly, it is the best night I had in SIMO camp. Including the one from last year.

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