June 29, 2009

A new term, a new beginning

Can't believe that holidays are over already. I hardly gotten any rest to recharge myself for the new term. >.<

I had only 2 weekdays to myself all thanks to my wonderful cca that took up 8 days of my life and I absolutely see no point in going down there for a few hours a week running around doing stupid drill to train discipline. Not as if I will not get enough during NS. Either way, due to the open nature of this blog, I shall refrain from entering further complaints regarding my cca.

Regarding homework, I only did the bare minimum that will allow me to go through Day 1 with any annoyed looks from teachers. So I have to clear the rest during the next 4 days. It is a good thing that all CCA will be cancelled for this week due to H1N1. And since I am not here for week 2, so I will be missing quite a bit of training.

Nevertheless, this holiday is highly productive in terms of math training with me popping down to NUS for 4 whole days and spending 2 whole days whacking questions at home. I hope that my simo career will NOT be the following: Junior--Senior--Nat Training--Senior. Time to look through all past training notes again. If I have time that is. Haiz.

I will be flying off to Durban, South Africa next week. Can anyone tell me who is going from the rgs side? We need to agree on something to do for the cultural presentation.

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