May 14, 2009

A break, a really short one.

This morning it was still clear when I walked out of my house and the moment I reached the bottom floor, rain started pouring down like mad, and since my umbrella is not really firm, the wind blew it upside down. Then I had to wait for my private school bus in the rain as the shelter was removed due to the need to repair damages. So I got completely drenched. Not a good thing with 2 tests in the day.

This whole week was filled completely with test, projects. I managed to find a 10 min break to type this post. 

I pretty much died for math CCT today. 
-2 for not doing part of the question (jammed)
-1 for the wrong proportion when sketching a graph
-1 for not remembering to take negative value for a square root
-1 for writing the wrong sign
-1 for not combining k<15+2sqrt26>15-2sqrt26 
So I will be lucky to get 24/30 for my CCT which means my math is 79.6% overall (estimate)
I need to be more careful, or I can't imagine what will happen during SMOS.

Just finished English Extensive Reading Program, wrote a bunch of crap and why in the world do we need to make reference to the text when writing a personal narrative after reading one by some random guy?

Inter-house math quiz tomorrow. Alan said he is setting the paper in an attempt to make You Jun fail. I wonder what will happen. When Barry's batch tried to make Ivan fail, he score 23/30 and made 6 careless mistakes. So...

And Napfa is officially over for my class. I was pretty happy with my results of 4A, 1B, 1C. I guess being counted as one year younger really helps a lot. 2.4km walk, the fastest walker in the world can finish this distance in around 9 min 20 sec. (CHAOS project) Maybe we should try walking next time and see how fast we can do so. Walking here is defined as at least one leg with contact with the ground at all times and that leg must be straight.

By the way, do anyone know how to draw the electron configuration for CO which shares a double covalent bond and a coordinate bond?

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